Currently body glitter tattoo began to fashionable in the special agenda. Possibly the sound menyeramkan, but body glitter tattoo was temporary, was easy to be applied and to be easy to be eliminated also. Of course is gotten by the difference between Tatto normally and Body Glitter Tatto that is giving the impression feminim and pretty. The material that was used to body glitter tattoo was payet or the powder kilau (glitter) and the item of crystal so as really was suitable for the special opportunity. When you wanted to try him then followed his steps along with this. That was first was you must prepare his implements. Equipment that was needed was the powder kilau as well as butiran-butiran payet and special small measurement crystal for Body Glitter Tatto this. Prepare also the implement penjepit like pinset as well as brushed the cleaner. If you were more unskilled at forming the picture then provided the edition or the pattern from the motive that was wanted. Before men-tato your body better clean first skin with water and soap. Keringkan the body so that payet as well as glitter could adhere perfect.
The second step was depicted. Clean first skin that would ditato and keringkan, after that you could do the painting tato. Use special glue, then began to depict the motive that was wanted. If you felt you had difficulty then for the pattern before so as to depict him remained followed the form of this pattern. As the last step, the form that was wanted by you have been depicted to skin then remained at the stage influenced him. Add the powder payet on the motive that already in depicted this.
Choose the colour in accordance with your wish. If payet that was added left the line of this motive then you could clean him with menyikat him with brushed. Did carefully so that the powder payet that has clung did not run. Be waiting until tato really dry, before you added the colour or the other decoration. Repeated from the beginning stage. Was interested trying him? Art of tatto