The GIRL only gaze at sekilas then disappeared separated the crowd. Outside from the crowd with the bent head until some of his hair fell covered his face. Now a pair foot him took a step very fast crossed the road, stopping on the edge, blocked public transport through. He appeared concerned, rushed. From time to time he lifted his hands palm on the eyebrow chased the sunlight. However, continue to he could not hide the colour of his face that was pale white as being finished ditampar.Belum had public transport that passed by made the girl increasingly concerned, bit the lip. Repeatedly he glanced at the golden colour watch on his hands with the annoyed feeling. Then went paced sembari from time to time pushed his body kebahu the road gazed at the contradictory road direction decisive whether having public transport that emerged from the bend in the road nun there. But he was always disappointed because apart from arrack-arakkan the woman with the most bent-bent back was full of the burden towards the market, the bicycle onthel with the basket of vegetables, public transport that he was waiting still not apparently.
Although realise that thought about this morning not having public transport that passed by in the front road to be thoughts was very stupid, but whether why secretly thoughts of that kind spread out also in batok his head. Made his pores of face skin be tight merembes the liquid clear-made he extra busy must wipe the liquid with the nervous feeling and the hands trembled. Made the gulp of his heart increasingly was pounding. Yes. Might be the transport drivers this morning stalled because of the number of deposits that increasingly for a long time was it was felt increasingly murderous the neck, incomparable by the tariff that was put on for the passengers. Or, who knew the skipper of the transport fleet was suddenly bankrupt, sold all of his fleets then changed profession as the skipper of the rice or tobacco? All of them could possibly! The day still the morning, but unlike usually the sun rays are felt stang ubun-ubun. However, just as-from the edge of the girl's road saw personally with the view of the eyes increasingly confused-did not withdraw the person's wish to ascertain the male figure that was suspended in the tree waru foreign the road.
Was not too high indeed, but the garden that only was overgrown tall grass grass and the scrub quite clear showed the male noose. His body from time to time bergoyangan was blown the wind. His eyes glare at, his tongue jutted out. People who will head the market or children that wanted to go to school increasingly filled up the empty garden the place of the man was suspended diri.Percakapan flowed from people's mouth made the atmosphere of the hot morning increasingly was felt sultry. Several people who just came and immediately knew the male noose, showed the extraordinary surprise, rubbed the eyes like did not believe. Mudrika, the unlucky man was uptil now known as the market thug who was enough to be frightened. His body was solid, his face was appropriate although his gaze was as cold as snow. There is tato on his left chest and the former stitches on his right arms. There was no person who did not know the Mudrika name although perhaps had never seen his face. Apart from gambling and drunk-mabukan Mudrika liked memalak shops belonging to the resident of the descendants who lined up all along the road of the market region.
Only shops belonging to the resident of the descendants that he space was other shops tidak.Matahari increasingly merangkak above. The wind blew rocked-unsteady the Mudrika body like bandol the hour. Sometimes the tree trunk waru that berkeriut as wanting to be broken when the strong wind came menghempas. Made women around that often kept the breath, closed the mouth with the hands palm, or closed the eyes, could not imagine if the tree trunk waru that really was broken. What the outcome was if the tree trunk waru that really was broken and the Mudrika body that has been stiff that terhempas to the land? Possibly foot him will be broken and his bones spread out went out. How horrifying. But the women as being hypnotised, continued erect there, continued to converse as far as their mouth berbusa like rendaman cucian.Di the edge of the girl's road to continue to be whipped restless because of public transport that he was waiting still not came. His body was wet sweat. His two knees trembled. He want to immediately go away from the place but second foot him was felt heavy to take a step.
He worried not more ten steps in his body would oleng then collapsed to the land. The crowd of the person in the empty garden must be immediately will jump moved crowded around himself. Then, ah, how if the people afterwards linked himself with the Mudrika death? IMMEDIATELY the crowd of the person stepped aside gave the road to four police that came really late in the place of the incident. Two people of appearance police busy speaking with the HT aircraft now two other explained the yellow line pengaman. Available people around there continued to converse in the tone that increasingly for a long time was increasingly hard. Made the location of the garden be similar to the place of the pawnshop auction. Not at intervals of for a long time came three people of police that afterwards worked fast unloaded the body Mudrika.Entah was moved by the invisible strength what, suddenly the girl hurried to cross the road to approach the crowd, merangsek entered inside. On the red land and tall grass grass that were broken because of too many foot that step on, clearly he could see the Mudrika body was laid out, stiff like gelondong wood.
Eorang police efficiently released the rope that involved the Mudrika neck then forced mengatupkan his two eyes. However, was not easy mengatupkan the eyes that so many hours melotot, consequently the police afterwards tore the previous bananas leaves closed in wajahnya.Angin that suddenly exhaled tight made several upper Mudrika buttons of part clothes free, was opened. It was damaged that the view of people was directed to the left Mudrika chest. Apparently the picture tato the dragon in the big measurement, like still new -- not proportional with his chest field. Conversation came back membuncah. People who often saw Mudrika secretly felt the wonder. They knew, previously did not have the picture tato the dragon on the Mudrika chest, but the picture tato the kris. They wondered in the heart, since when Mudrika replaced the picture tato the kris with tato the dragon? But was as fast as the question took off from batok the head anyone, was as fast as that also they immediately forgot him. However, not for the woman itu.Dan the woman, whether because everything could not suddenly keep his heartbeat that ticked did not make sense whenever seeing police.

For a moment the police observed the paper fold, dibolak-returned, was opened, was read, contracted the brow, then... circulated the view to the crowd, sharply, as investigating the face for the sake of the available face there. There was the indication that Mudrika the suicide because broken-hearted, his love was refused. But of course the police did not want reckless broadcasted the conclusion because of not having strong proof except a letter that was found in the pocket of Mudrika trousers that have been difficult to be read because apart from unkempt, faded was affected by sweat, also his article was ugly precisely the chicken claw.