The cat tattoo picture is courtesy of " miss pupik " from flickrIn this cat tattoo we can see, that the cats tail is up which means he is content and proud.The tail also look like a Sol key and may symbolize the love for music.
A butterfly tattoo on a woman usually acknowledges "woman as the free spirit. It's a widely held bel...Read more
Tribal Tatto DesignAirbrush Tatto Body ArtSmall Butterfly DesignA Good Plant TattooRead more
For some odd reason I like to design tattoos more than any other tiger. Tiger tattoo mostly preferre...Read more
Spiderman is one of the heroes in the film Spiderman. character who likes to help a fellow human bei...Read more
a large dragon tattoo as a symbol of man. Tattoo of this type is most popular in Asia especially Ch...Read more