I have a few tattoos already and in my search to acquire a design for another one, I started my search looking for rosary tattoos. I have two tribal tatts and I love them (or they wouldn’t be tattooed on my body!), but I think I’m in the mood for something new. I know rosary tattoos aren’t for everyone; tattoos aren’t even for everyone. But having said that, I think they are great and if you do too, then start looking at designs because your choices are near countless. I found rosary tattoos in the database of designs I use. There were a few that were stunning and some that seemed to reproduce the same feel with a slight twist. Color is always the determining and sticky factor for me, and rosary tattoos are no exception. I’ve seen a few black ones and few others that were intertwined with beads of color; they were all great. I’m still looking and I look everyday. Sooner or later I know I’ll see the design that’s perfect for me and, until then, I’ll keep looking because, when it comes to inking your body, you can never take too much time (the database of designs I access is that of Chopper-Tattoos).